When will I get the item(s) I ordered?
Each order has a different estimated delivery date. Because certain items are drop-shipped from other companies, I can only provide an approximate date once they have a tracking number for us. As for the made-to-order items, they usually take up to 3-5 days for processing before being shipped out. Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or further questions!
How do I return or exchange item(s)?
Unfortunately I do not currently offer returns or exchanges on most products at this time. If you are not sure if you are ordering your correct size, please refer to the sizing chart provided on the same page as the item or contact me before ordering. The clothing without sizing charts provided are all the usual USA unisex-fit sizes. Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or further questions!
Where can I find the tracking number for my order?
After paying for your order you will receive a confirmation via the same email address you provided upon checkout. You will receive shipping updates such as your tracking number to that email address as well. Thank you for your patience! Depending on the items ordered, some will be shipping separately as I am working with dropshipping from other companies to get the items to you as soon as possible! Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or further questions!